God Only Knows on jopa kliseeksi muodostunut klassikko. Se oli ensimmäinen pop-kappale jonka nimi sisälsi God-sanan. Irrotettuna Pet Sounds-albumilta God Only Knows julkaistiin Wouldn't It Be Nice-singlen b-puolena kesällä -66. Sanojen takana oleva Tony Asher kommentoi kirjassa I Just Wasn't Made for These Times: Brian Wilson and the Making of Pet Sounds (Charles L. Granata. Published by Unanimous Ltd, 2003) kappaletta seuraavanlaisesti:
This is the one [song] that I thought would be a hit record because it was so incredibly beautiful. I was concerned that maybe the lyrics weren't up to the same level as the music; how many love songs start off with the line, 'I may not always love you'? I liked that twist, and fought to start the song that way. Working with Brian, I didn't have a whole lot of fighting to do, but I was certainly willing to fight to the end for that. [...] 'God Only Knows' is, to me, one of the great songs of our time. I mean the great songs. Not because I wrote the lyrics, but because it is an amazing piece of music that we were able to write a very compelling lyric to. It's the simplicity—the inference that 'I am who I am because of you'—that makes it very personal and tender.
Kappaleen lead-vocalin laulaa Carl Wilson. Taustat laulavat Brian Wilson sekä Bruce Johnston. Brian äänitti kuitenkin ensimmäisenä pelkän oman laulunsa instrumentaaliraidan päälle. Tuo Brianin veto julkaistiin vasta myöhemmin erikoisjulkaisulla ja löytyy alta linkin takaa.
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